Never miss a call
Research suggests that up to 30 per cent of incoming calls to businesses go unanswered either because the caller hangs up or the call isn’t answered. Delacon’s call email notification feature lets you catch unanswered calls and convert them into a sale.
Each time a call is made to a call tracking number, Delacon’s system automatically sends a call alert email to a specified email address. There are two types of call notification emails you can choose from- plain text and HTML. Both are available to all Delacon clients with all configurations easy to complete in Delacon’s New Portal.
In both the plain text and HTML emails, there are 5 separate templates for the 5 different types of phone calls: Answered; Missed (Voicemail left); Busy (Voicemail left); Missed (No Voicemail left); Missed (Voicemail left). Additionally the HTML has a five-star rating function that enables for calls to be rated based on quality. This is useful for directory and agency clients to monitor client satisfaction and campaign performance.
The emails include:
- The caller’s phone number (where available)
- The time and date of the call
- The call outcome (answered/busy/not answered)
- Whether a voicemail was left by the caller and if so, the voicemail will be attached in the plain text email and embedded in the HTML
- The full referrer URL relating to that call
Call notifications can be fully customised through the Delacon portal and white labelled to match your business requirements. All emails can be branded with your logo (additional charges may apply). He’s an example of a suggested email.
A potential customer just called you. The line was busy and the caller left a voice message which is attached to this email.
The call came from +61 400 111 222 and was received at 09:15 AEST on 01/04/2014.
Head Office

If you would like some more information, or for live demo, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with us today!